So Many Books Reading & Publishing In An Age Of Abundance By Gabriel Zaid Paperback

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So Many Books Reading & Publishing In An Age Of Abundance By Gabriel Zaid Paperback

Condition: Used, Like new, in excellent condition.

This brief guide argues that, in the future, books will be less precious than the time it takes to read them. It addresses how to tackle personal must read lists and pare them down to the books that will truly benefit their readers -- which ones to start this year, which to put on hold, and which to pull off the sagging shelves. This witty volume describes the importance of books, the way they deepen conversations, and how they create a special hold on their readers. Rather than attempting to answer the question What should we be reading? , it encourages individuals to come up with their own answers.

Key Features
Author(s) Gabriel Zaid
Publisher Paul Dry Books, Inc
Date of Publication 01/06/2003
Language English
Format Paperback
ISBN-10 158988003X
ISBN-13 9781589880030
Subject Literary Criticism

Publication Data
Place of Publication New Jersey
Country of Publication United States
Imprint Paul Dry Books, Inc
Out-of-print date 07/06/2010
Content Note black & white illustrations

Weight 130 g
Width 115 mm
Height 180 mm
Spine 11 mm

Author Biography Gabriel Zaid is a poet, essayist, and the founder and manager of a consulting firm. His literary work, cultural criticism, and business writings have been widely published throughout the Spanish-speaking world.